Partnerships for

At Rothbridge Investments, we help business owners navigate the complex world of mergers and acquisitions, facilitating the exit or growth you require.

Our process

What we do


We identify unique opportunities, uncovering potential mergers and acquisitions that promise growth and synergy.


We facilitate meaningful connections, expertly matching businesses with complementary strengths and visions.


We guide strategic negotiations, ensuring a smooth merger or acquisition process tailored to your goals.


We provide ongoing support post-acquisition, helping to integrate, adapt, and thrive in new business landscapes.

Who are we?

M&A Specialists

Rothbridge Investments is a technology driven investment firm that embodies a unique approach to business growth and financial success. Our firm was established by a team of experienced entrepreneurs who possess invaluable insight to guide SMEs and midsize companies throughout their lifecycle.

We specialise in unique group exit structures that can deliver significant uplift and, in some cases, taxfree benefits. Our range of corporate structures are tailored to support your specific needs, whether you're seeking growth or planning an exit.

0+Transactions Q4 2023

0+Active Transactions

£0m+Group Revenue Q4 2023

Collaborative Growth

Maximum Exit

Rothbridge Investments specialise in a unique growth strategy designed to maximise the value of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at exit, without the need for immediate equity sale. Our method involves strategically connecting businesses into a synergistic group, while ensuring that each SME retains complete control over their operations and structure throughout the process. No equity is sold or company structure altered until the point of group exit. Under our guidance, these companies can achieve a more substantial exit multiple than they would independently, ensuring a more lucrative outcome for all parties, free from the risks of immediate equity sales or compromising their value.

Exploring Opportunities Across All Sectors

While our current active groups are concentrated in the below sectors, we have a sector-agnostic approach to acquisitions. We believe that potential can be found in every sector, and we are always looking to find acquisitions outside our active groups. If you represent a business in any industry seeking growth and partnership let's explore how we can achieve success together.


We are targeting acquisitions in the Recruitment sector, focusing on businesses that have a proven track record in innovating talent placement and management. Our group, already achieving over £36 million in revenue, seeks to expand its portfolio with companies that demonstrate a strong understanding of market dynamics and possess a forward-thinking approach to workforce solutions.


We are keenly interested in acquiring well-established Construction companies that exhibit a consistent track record of stable revenue year on year. Our focus is on firms that skillfully blend safety, innovation, and quality, and have demonstrated resilience and growth in the ever-evolving construction landscape.

Media and Communications

We are seeking acquisitions in the Media and Communications sector, focusing on companies that excel in digital innovation and audience engagement. Our interest lies in businesses with a proven revenue track record and strong brand presence, especially those adept at leveraging new technologies in a rapidly changing landscape.

Debt Raising Solutions

Empowering Finance
Through Expertise

Our commitment lies in leveraging financial innovation, focusing on sophisticated debt raising strategies to support growth and stability. With a keen insight into market dynamics, we aim to bridge the gap between capital needs and investment opportunities. Our methodology is rooted in continuous adaptation, ensuring every financial solution is tailored and effective.

Let's Talk

We would love to hear from you.